Thorough Infrared Scanning
for Bryant, Little Rock, AR & the Surrounding Areas
Fleming Controls and Power Specialties (FCPS) offers thermal infrared scanning consisting of complete thermographic examination of your electrical distribution and reporting of heat signatures, with emphasis on any excessive heat losses observed in electrical equipment beyond manufacturer recommended limits. Annual thermal scanning of electrical equipment can point out unforeseen issues, such as loose connections, pitted contacts, and insulation failure before you experience an unplanned outage and loss of production due to equipment failure. Infrared scanning is a pivotal service for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of electrical systems. Utilizing advanced thermal imaging technology, our technicians can detect and diagnose potential issues for clients in Bryant, Little Rock, Jacksonville, Sherwood, Russellville, Pine Bluff, North Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway, AR; Memphis, TN; and the surrounding areas. This non-invasive method provides a clear picture of your system’s health, identifying hot spots that signify electrical faults, loose connections, or other anomalies. By opting for infrared scanning, you’re choosing a proactive approach to maintenance, reducing the risk of unexpected downtime and costly repairs, while ensuring the safety and reliability of your electrical infrastructure.
For an estimate, please provide the number of scans needed, or one-line drawing of electrical distribution.